Psalms is a book of poetry, self-reflection, anger, doubt, and triumph. Because it is separated into so many short chapters it's an idea book for opening to a random page and reading through, but the Psalms do have context that matter if you want to get the most out of them.
Psalms 1 used to strike me as a refreshingly clear cut picture of the universe: If you, Love God and do right, then you will prosper, but if you, do evil and reject God, you will be destroyed. It's a simple, childlike view of the world that the psalms will go on to appear to challenge. Latter in psalms there are verses from when David is chased by Saul, when Israel is in slavery again. In those latter, dark part of the psalms when the words of the psalter are full of fear, anger, and doubt, remember Psalm 1 God is in control. Regardless of what loss we are experiencing at any given moment, God's final victory is sure.
What is going on right now that makes you question God's goodness?
As God to give you his Holy Spirit to increase your faith, so that no matter what challenge comes, you may rest confidently in the certainty of God's love for you, and his victory over this world.
What is going on right now that makes you question God's goodness?
As God to give you his Holy Spirit to increase your faith, so that no matter what challenge comes, you may rest confidently in the certainty of God's love for you, and his victory over this world.