Tuesday, May 3, 2011

RE: Psalms 10

God may often feel far off; God never is far off. Feelings are temporary; God's presence is not. He is with you now. I believe the words of Ps10:1 are cried out by every single person at one time or another. Everyone, whether they believe in a God or not, does at some point feel that they have been abandoned by God. Our faith in God is tested by trouble in our lives. James 1 says that hard times produce perseverance. Like a workout or a class that pushes us to our limits, the trials of life that are the hardest to go through are the ones that make us strong.

How do you want to grow in faith? What trial will bring that growth about? Pray for and expect it.

Where are you being tried in your life right now? How will these trials increase your perseverance? Praise God for them.

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